FDOL131 – PBL groups

The core PBL groups (around 5 participants in each) are formed by participants who intend to work towards a certificate of completion. Additional learners (around 3) will be able to join each group as peripheral members. The groups will be international and cross-disciplinary to encourage sharing and critiquing of practice and perspectives. Each PBL group will be facilitated by a tutor.

Participants who wish to study on their own without participating in the facilitated PBL groups are also welcome to do so and use the resources provided and the PBL activities for autonomous study, as well as participate in the online discussions. Others might choose to learn within non-facilitated PBL groups or identify a study buddy. To help with this we have set-up a Wanted noticeboard. If you have created a non-facilitated PBL group, please feel free to add a link to your collaborative space below as a comment.

Scenarios that can be used for PBL tasks linked to all FDOL131 units can be found in the Thematic Stories Archive. The stories available there are authentic and have been contributed by participants. If you would like to contribute additional stories, please click here.

PBL group spaces, names and facilitators can be found below. Find your group and open the COOL FISh space for your group. A sample PBL group space in Google doc can be found here. This document is view only. Feel free to use it if needed.

A sample group and their collaborative spaces are been provided below. FDOl131 started with 8 groups and three facilitators. We used Google + communities, Google hangouts and Google Drive mainly during FDOL131 for PBL activities. Pick the spaces that might work for you.

PBL group 1: facilitator Chrissi Nerantzi > Google + group 1 community space
Joanne Ashworth
Sourabh Upadhyay
Aida Wahlgren
Neil Withnell
Lars Öhrmalm
Mira Protsiv
Sue Watling
COOL FISh 1 space

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